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Ten Main Technologies (10TU) to be Developed by Indonesia Towards 2045 Advanced Indonesia
Indonesia has set a long-term vision of “2045 Advanced Indonesia”, where radio frequency spectrum arrangement is included as an aspect to be well managed optimally. The radio frequency spectrum is utilized according to the technological developments to provide great benefits for Indonesian people towards a high quality of life.
Directorate of Spectrum Policy and Planning under the Directorate General of Resources Management and Equipment of Posts and Informatics (Ditjen SDPPI), Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkominfo) and the research team of Telkom University have completed a Study on Radio Frequency Spectrum Harmonization to Support Main Technologies for Acceleration of Advanced Indonesia (HARUKA 2022) to identify and solve many potential important problems. One of the outcomes of this HARUKA study is on the identified ten main technologies (10TU), which are very potential to accelerate 2045 Advanced Indonesia.
The identified 10TUs are important technologies and expected to become enablers the development of economy and quality of life of Indonesia by 2045. The development of these 10TUs is divided into 3 (three) phases as follows:
- Phase I: Strengthen the terrestrial infrastructures to enhance the economic growth via ground-based telecommunications;
- Phase II: Strengthen the satellite infrastructures to guarantee high quality communications connecting many islands of Indonesia as an archipelagic country;
- Phase III: Develop science and strengthen state sovereignty territory of Indonesia's land, sea, and air as an indication of 2045 Advanced Indonesia in scientific contributions.
The 10TUs shown in Figure 1, i.e., (1) International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT-2020) 5G-NR, 5G-Advanced, and IMT-2030 (6G); (2) Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) 6E/7; (3) Railway Radiocommunication System between Trains and Tracksides (RSTT); (4) Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS); (5) Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS); (6) Satellite Technologies (HTS, IoT, Quantum, Hybrid, ESIM); (7) Wireless Power Transfer (WPT); (8) High Altitude Platform Systems (HAPS) including HAPS as IMT Base Station (HIBS); (9) Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) and Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems (GMDSS), and (10) Earth Exploration Satellite Services (EESS), must be successfully developed by Indonesia with well prepared and optimal frequency allocation to maximize the benefits to the Indonesian people.
TU1: IMT-2020 5G-NR, 5G-Advanced, and IMT-2030 (6G) and TU2: WiFi 6E/7; are important technologies to expand the coverage and achieve maximum capacity. TU3: RSTT as one of future mass transportation solutions is to provide safe and convenience traffic services in the major islands of Indonesia. TU4: ITS as a part of future smart city is needed to enhance the economy and efficiency in the city. TU5: UAS is expected to significantly the logistic efficiency utilizing terrestrial networks in space and its many possible applications. TU6: advanced satellite technologies are the basis to strengthen the infrastructures for Indonesia as an archipelagic country exploiting secure space communications. TU7: WPT is one of future flexible energy transfer to realize an advanced, efficient, and fully automated Indonesia in a digital society. TU8: HAPS and HIBS and TU9: AIS and GMDSS are to strengthen the security of Indonesia maritime territories. TU10: EESS is expected to be the mean of Indonesia contributions in science and technologies to support future earth and space explorations.
These 10TUs is also aligned with the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan (Renstra) of Kemenkominfo and is also expected to be aligned with the next 2025-2029 Renstra of Kemenkominfo, especially in expanding access services, improving digital infrastructures, and providing secure and reliable internet services. In addition, the 10TUs is also becoming the foundation to support digital transformations in all strategic sectors, as directed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. These 10TUs will be successful with the support of pentahelix strong collaborations between academia, industry, government, community/society, and media.
Writer : HARUKA Team